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Father Alejandro encourages formators and vocation promoters: "How we form today will determine the religious life of the future"

Writer's picture: OSA CuriaOSA Curia

Formators and vocation promoters received words of encouragement during their online encounter, following the previous success of the in-person meeting in Colombia.

In a special video addressed to the participants of the course - organised by the International Commission for Initial Formation and Vocations, and coordinated by Fathers Alex Lam and Joseph Farrell - Father Alejandro expressly wanted to highlight the value of this formative programme that the 75 participants (across both English and Spanish language courses) have been following since October 2023.

"As Our Father said, we are pilgrims and we are on a journey. It has to be said that the work involved in formation is always worth it. Your mission, as vocation promoters and formators, is critical for the Order. Not least because of the societal circumstances we find ourselves in, that is the context from which our candidates come to us."

Father Alejandro encouraged all the participants to stay with the remaining sessions until the end of the course in July in the same spirit of dialogue and sharing of experiences. "I have been a formator for 11 years. It's both satisfying and very hard at the same time. Delivering training is always very challenging. That's why it has to be constantly reviewed and updated. It is very important to always remember that the way we form our trainees will define our religious life in the future".

Finally, the Prior General wanted to thank everyone "for your effort, participation and dedication. Every great sacrifice bears fruit. The grain of wheat has to fall and has to die to bear fruit. May the Risen Jesus bless you."

Próxima parada: IloIlo y graduación virtual desde Roma

La próxima parada del curso de formadores y promotores vocacionales tendrá lugar en la Universidad de San Agustín de IloIlo, Filipinas, entre los días 27 y 31 de mayo, en los que los frailes participantes de la región Asia-Pacífico llevarán a cabo la semana presencial que complementa los contenidos del programa online, y que será la cuarta después de las mantenidas en otras regiones de la Orden.

Tras 8 largos meses, en los que se ha podido abordar la vocación del formador-acompañante, su servicio apostólico, la antropología agustiniana, la experiencia espiritual y psicológica desde la llamada agustiniana y otros tantos módulos sobre teología, vida afectiva, derecho canónico o la realidad juvenil global, el curso llega a su fin. 

El 17 de julio tendrá lugar la graduación virtual del curso, en la que se contará con la participación del consejo general en apoyo de esta iniciativa capital en la vida de la Orden, de la que tantos frutos se espera. 



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