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The Prior General at the V Congress of the Laity in Rome: "Maintain your commitment to transforming the world of culture"

Updated: Aug 10, 2024

The V International Meeting of Augustinian Laity was held at the General Curia in Rome from July 10-15. About 100 participants, coming from 28 circumscriptions of the five continents, met again, five years after the 2019 Congress in Sacrofano, Italy, to continue this journey of synodality, fraternity and love among equals

At that time, the Augustinian laity initiated a process of reflection that was to give rise to a new structure of the Augustinian laity - at the global and regional levels - as well as to the regulation of relations among the different lay organizations and of these with the Order.Ā  The process culminated with the presentation to the Prior General and his Council of a proposal of Statutes for Augustinian Lay Faithful, which were approved by the Prior General and his Council ad experimentum on June 20, 2023, and revised in this edition.Ā 

"For several years there was heated debate within the Order as to whether a structure could be created which would embrace both the Fraternities and the other groups of Augustinian laity not constituted as fraternities. The debate was resolved in the affirmative thanks to the hard work and efforts of several people, and these Statutes reflect that resolution", layman Luis Arana explains to the Office of the Curia.

During these days, the participants were able to exchange experiences and deepen in different aspects of Augustinian spirituality, promote communion, participation and how the mission can be incarnated in the circles in which they work and live the faith.

A transversal formation

The meeting, with outstanding presentations, illustrated and oriented the situation of the laity in the different places where the Order of St. Augustine is present.Ā 

In the first presentation "The charismatic dimension of the Church: bases for a synodal experience of the Church", Monsignor Luis MarĆ­n de San MartĆ­n, OSA, insisted, as the Province of St. John of SahagĆŗn reports, that "we find ourselves immersed in a living, dynamic synodal process, of which we all have to feel part and which invites us to leave our comforts, just as Pentecost forced the disciples to leave the cenacle".

While the words communion, participation and mission were the reference point of the conferences, another of the most repeated words was listening.

The Assistant General for Latin America, Father Alexander Lam OSA -coordinator together with Father Edward Daleng and Father Joseph Farrell of this meeting- invited us to carry out in our apostolic works "an active and empathetic listening; to advise but only if the person asks us to do so, avoiding a selfish or selective listening".

Juan Francisco Constanzo, OSA, explained the method of spiritual conversation in the exercise of ministries, emphasizing a humble, profound and careful attitude. These indications do not apply only to ethereal or pious topics, but also to emotions, failures and hopes.

Time for history

The lay Joseph Kelley began his lecture by recalling the prayer prayed daily by our Jewish brethren: Shema Israel, Hear O Israel. In this conference he also gave 3 examples of listening in the Augustinian environment.Ā 

First, in the year 425, after seeing the miraculous healing of two foreign friars, St. Augustine invited them to speak in one of the homilies so that the people could listen to their testimony.

Secondly, the case of Cardinal Seripando, Prior General of the Order who participated as secretary in the Council of Trent and who enjoyed the total confidence of the Pope, because he was able to listen attentively, even to criticism, and to discern the good from the bad.Ā 

Finally, he gave the current example of the Augustinian contemplative nuns. They are the best example of listening, and many people come to them to share their concerns because they feel listened to.

Statutes of the Fraternities

After the presentation of the Statutes by the Assistant General, Fr. Edward Daleng, OSA, the participants met in groups to analyze the situation and challenges in their communities of origin.While it is true that there are common characteristics, the communities present different challenges, especially in terms of the number of Augustinians, the number and vitality of the fraternities, as well as the number of activities that are organized and the participation of the laity in them.

Challenges for the Augustinian laity

Finally, the Prior General of the Order, Father Alejandro Moral, presented the current challenges in the secular world and the mission of the Augustinians in this field.

He focused first on the personal challenges. Here would be the ability to know how to cultivate our attitudes, to be available and permanently ready to listen to our brothers. To know how to listen in order to walk together.

In the second place, the community challenges, Father General reminded us that "synodality is community". In this sense, he indicated that it is good that the groups can function without depending on a single religious, and that they are capable of creating community. It is also important to have a sense of belonging, to feel that we are members of a group, to make an effort to get to know one another.Ā 

And finally, the challenges in our work structure and in our mission, which we must continually review.

The laity, during their time with the General, were able to ask him some questions about the integration of the laity in the fraternities and in the Order, about the way to promote communion between laity and Augustinians, the world of culture, art or how to help young people in the use of social networks.

It was precisely in this aspect where the Prior General stressed the importance of being present in the artistic disciplines and "strengthening communion by overcoming selfishness".Ā 

A visit to Tolentino: the beautiful Basilica damaged by the earthquake

In addition to the packed program of conferences and workshops, the lay participants in the meeting had the opportunity to go on pilgrimage to two very important places in the Augustinian tradition: the Basilica of St. Nicholas of Tolentino and the Basilica of Our Mother of Good Counsel (Genazzano).

There, Father Daleng recalled during the homily the first saint of the Order. "St. Nicholas of Tolentine was the first Augustinian canonized. He lived a simple life that radiated the face of God. He is a man remembered for evangelical poverty, prayer and penance. His personal and pastoral approach was motivated by charity; to offer others the experience of God, who calls us to conversion of heart."Ā 

"Walking together in communion, participation and mission."Ā 

The motto of the last edition of the Congress of the Laity has become a reality in this last meeting. Now it is time to put into practice all that was thought and discussed during five intense days of sharing and broadening horizons regarding the common project that, as Church, the Order of St. Augustine has in today's world.Ā 



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