On November 12 last, the Prior General of the Order of St. Augustine, Father Alejandro Moral, visited the city of Brno, in the Czech Republic, to celebrate together with the community of religious of the Order, civil and academic authorities, the closing acts of the second centenary of the birth of the great Augustinian naturalist Gregor Mendel, widely recognized by the scientific community thanks to his contributions in the field of genetics.
The central lecture of the day was given by the historian and Augustinian priest Miguel Angel Orcasitas, ex-general of the Order, who in his brilliant exposition spoke about the life, vocation and research work of Mendel. Afterwards, the participants were able to visit the "greenhouse" built to honour the memory and dedication of that friar who delved into the most minute mysteries of life, such as the implications of genetic inheritance in biological development, starting from a few peas.

Strengthening the links between science and faith
As reported from Brno, the new space will remain open to the public but will also serve as a classroom for students interested in learning more about Mendel's laws.
In this same space, the Augustinian Father Jan Biernat, in charge of organizing the event, made a presentation on the process of construction of the greenhouse, without forgetting all those who, generously, through their contributions, have made this project, destined to deepen the links between science and faith, a reality.
Shortly before the blessing of the greenhouse by Monsignor Pavel Konzbul, Bishop of Brno, the Prior General of the Order, with the support of Father Jozef Ronca in translating his words, was able to address those present, presenting several diplomas to the mayoress of the Czech city, the President of the region and many others, for their important contribution to safeguarding the legacy of the man who found in the "garden" and its vegetables a universal response to the origin and transmission of the inheritance.
