Other Officials
Procurator General - Edward Daleng Daniang, OSA
The procurator general is responsible for preparing and carrying out all business of the Order with the Holy See except those things that pertain to the Postulator General.
Treasurer General - Franz Klein, OSA
Under the direction of the Prior General and his Council, the Treasurer General takes care of the administration of the temporal goods of the Order in accord with its Constitutions, looking after the needs of the curia and promoting the finances of the Order.
Secretary General - Pasquale Di Lernia, OSA
It is the duty of the Secretary General to give the Prior General his aid and counsel, put in writing all the General deems necessary, and record in the Registers whatever is worthy of note.
Postulator General - Josef Sciberras, OSA
The postulator general handles the causes of beatification of the servants of God and of the canonization of the blessed of the Order, both with the local Ordinaries and with the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
Archivist General - Andrés Gómez, OSA
The Archivist General is responsible to safeguard in neat and orderly fashion all records and documents kept in the general archives and scientifically maintain an inventory and catalogue of the same.
Sacristan of the Order - Franz Klein, OSA
It pertains to the sacristan of the Order to carefully register the Masses received from the priors provincial or from others and to see that they are celebrated as soon as possible in accord with the conditions given him.