Saturday 27 January saw around 50 young people from the Youth Ministry of the Augustinian Province of Michoacan make a pilgrimage to the Cerro del Cubilete, in Silao, Guanajuato, as part of the annual XLI National Youth March to Christ the King organised by the Testimony and Hope Movement.

Young people - boys and girls - with a burning heart and a few snacks to sustain themselves on the walk, came together from the parishes of San Agustín de Polanco in Mexico City, San Agustín de Ciudad Victoria in Tamaulipas, and from the rectory of Moroleón in Guanajuato.
Accompanied by some friars who are in formation, the Augustinian family of Mexico joined over 40 thousand young people who climbed the Cerro del Cubilete fuelled by songs, psalms and prayers.

The document Augustinian Youth Pastoral: An Itinerary of Evangelization with Young People reads: "It is not possible to think of pastoral care for young people without young people. They are the Church, disciples of Jesus Christ called to the mission of the Kingdom. We do not do pastoral work for the youth, but with the youth. They are the youth ministry, the champions of their own lives. We are merely fellow disciples and travelling companions."
The pilgrimage ended with the celebration of the Eucharist at the foot of the monument to Christ the King.