Education: Decisions of the Ordinary General Chapter of 2007
P 13 The Commission of Educational Centers will program another International Congress for Augustinian educators from all levels of education. Major Superiors will promote them on the regional and continental level. The International Congress will take place in different places, particularly in those where there are Augustinian schools.
P 14 The Commission of Educational Centers will promote cooperation among the schools of the Order, making use of cultural opportunities offered by international organizations. They will also promote the interchange of publications, materials and programs, throughout the Order, especially in what pertains to Augustinian values.
Educational Apostolate
(from the Constitutions of the Order)
161. Because "the vocation of all those who undertake . . . the task of education in schools is a beautiful and truly solemn one," as is true also in other educational centers, and in consideration of the special Augustinian contribution in this area, we should have the greatest esteem for the educational apostolate and consider it as one of the special missions of our Order. Circumscriptions should therefore promote the founding of schools.
162. The specific purpose of our schools is the promotion of the human person on the foundation of Christian principles. It follows that this apostolate should always be regarded as an essentially pastoral activity, so that we teach the truth with love, and the students acquire, along with a humanistic and scientific culture, a knowledge of the world, of life, and of humanity that is illuminated by faith.
163. As Augustinians, we must encourage the educational community in our schools to live the values of the Gospel from the perspective of Augustinian spirituality and pedagogy. Aware of this task, we should take special care to instruct lay professors in the spiritual and Augustinian aspects of education. In order to accomplish this, regional associations of Augustinian educators should be encouraged in order to share more profoundly our ideals of education and arrive at a better and more efficacious formation of our students.
164. The ideal development of the personality of students depends, in large part, on the influence of the community and on the example of others. Therefore, those responsible for education must be concerned that there is an amicable harmony within the educational community, and use consistent criteria in carrying out their educational responsibilities.
165. Since many elements are involved in the total education of students, such as family, society and school, and because formation is not completed during the school years, there should be contacts with the parents of students, and associations for former students should be promoted.
166. The apostolate of education may be carried out also in private and public schools and universities, whether through pastoral ministry or by teaching or by directing student residences.